Simon Large
2014-06-03 09:13:05 UTC
Hi Stefan,
I'm using SubWCRev to show software revision of some embedded firmware
in an on-screen display. A customer asked me today why the revision
number had changed as I had not told him about any software changes.
The answer is that I had changed one of the helper batch files in the
same directory, not anything in the software.
So what would be useful to ensure that SubWCRev is only looking at the
relevant files would be to have some sort of include and/or exclude
mechanism. Exclude is possibly easier, a sort of .subwcrevignore file.
It could be a fixed filename, or it could be specified on the command
subwcrev . version.h -nqi ignorethese.txt
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I'm using SubWCRev to show software revision of some embedded firmware
in an on-screen display. A customer asked me today why the revision
number had changed as I had not told him about any software changes.
The answer is that I had changed one of the helper batch files in the
same directory, not anything in the software.
So what would be useful to ensure that SubWCRev is only looking at the
relevant files would be to have some sort of include and/or exclude
mechanism. Exclude is possibly easier, a sort of .subwcrevignore file.
It could be a fixed filename, or it could be specified on the command
subwcrev . version.h -nqi ignorethese.txt
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