svn.exe crashes when user ABC locks the file and user XYZ performs commit after editing same file
Jaimin Modi
2014-07-09 06:38:13 UTC
I am writing feature test automation script for tortoiseSVN. While executing test scripts I faced a problem while testing svn feature lock/unlock. As explained below.

Execution Steps:
1. Go to working directory
2. Locking the file sample.txt by svn user ABC.
Command Executed: svn lock sample.txt --username=ABC --password=ABCPSWD
3. Editing the file sample.txt
4. Committing the file sample.txt by other svn user XYZ.
Command Executed: svn commit -m "testing svn lock" --username=XYZ --password=XYZPSWD --non-interactive

Expected behavior:
It should have thrown error in step 4 above, as file sample.txt is locked by user ABC and user XYZ is trying to commit the changes.

Actual Observation:
I got svn.exe crash popup windows with message "svn has stopped working. a problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available"

Require help:
I used TortoiseSVN- can somebody confirm is there any issue with svn.exe from TortoiseSVN- Also need to know the bug id if this issue was fixed in later TortoiseSVN releases.

Windows 7 X64 bit version
svn.exe version: svn, version 1.7.7 (r1393599) compiled Oct 8 2012, 20:42:17


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Stefan Küng
2014-07-09 18:27:19 UTC
Post by Jaimin Modi
I am writing feature test automation script for tortoiseSVN. While executing test scripts I faced a problem while testing svn feature lock/unlock. As explained below.
1. Go to working directory
2. Locking the file sample.txt by svn user ABC.
Command Executed: svn lock sample.txt --username=ABC --password=ABCPSWD
3. Editing the file sample.txt
4. Committing the file sample.txt by other svn user XYZ.
Command Executed: svn commit -m "testing svn lock" --username=XYZ --password=XYZPSWD --non-interactive
It should have thrown error in step 4 above, as file sample.txt is locked by user ABC and user XYZ is trying to commit the changes.
Sorry, but no:
it should not throw an error in step 4 because the lock is assigned to a
working copy, not a user. The user is simply required to set the lock in
the repository (which requires write access). But the lock itself is not
specific to a user but always specific to a working copy.
And that's why the commit should succeed without any problems - you're
still in the same working copy as you locked the file.
Post by Jaimin Modi
I got svn.exe crash popup windows with message "svn has stopped working. a problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available"
I used TortoiseSVN- can somebody confirm is there any issue with svn.exe from TortoiseSVN- Also need to know the bug id if this issue was fixed in later TortoiseSVN releases.
Sorry, but I'm not even going to try to reproduce this.
While I have problems understanding why people don't update to TSVN
1.8.x, there's absolutely _no_ excuse for not updating to the latest
1.7.x version, especially since there were quite a few security issues

At least get the latest version for the 1.7.x branch:

if the crash happens there still, report it on the svn users mailing
list since it's svn.exe and not TSVN that's crashing.

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