[tortoisesvn] r24717 committed - Restore all files after a commit, failed or successful....
Simon Large
2013-08-30 19:34:35 UTC
Revision: 24717
Author: tortoisesvn
Date: Fri Aug 30 18:29:58 2013 UTC
Log: Restore all files after a commit, failed or successful.
Update issue #546
Is that right? If the commit fails because you need to update then the file
you were about to commit gets discarded and overwritten with its previous
content. I think you would need to ask in this case, otherwise you risk
losing working copy data.



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Stefan Küng
2013-08-30 20:06:43 UTC
Revision: 24717
Author: tortoisesvn
Date: Fri Aug 30 18:29:58 2013 UTC
Log: Restore all files after a commit, failed or successful.
Update issue #546
Is that right? If the commit fails because you need to update then the
file you were about to commit gets discarded and overwritten with its
previous content. I think you would need to ask in this case, otherwise
you risk losing working copy data.
If the commit fails and the commit dialog is reopened (that also happens
if you click on "update" in the nice dialog that offers to do the update
for you), then of course they're not restored. Restoring happens only
right before TortoiseProc exits - and in that case restoring is required
because the restore data isn't stored over sessions.

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Bob Cardillo
2014-09-30 17:03:24 UTC
I just got bit by this and lost two hours of work. In preparing to commit I marked a bunch of files "Restore after commit" and removed the changes I didn't want. Then I realized there were some more things I wanted to do before committing, so I left the commit dialog open while I spent two hours making further changes. Back on the commit dialog I was checking diffs etc in preparation to commit and I *accidentally* hit the ESC key. BAM! Without warning all my changes from the last two hours were wiped out. No recycle bin, no .bak files, just...gone.

It seems great care has been taken elsewhere in TortoiseSVN and SVN to make sure that no working copy changes are ever lost, but this "Restore after commit" feature dangerously breaks that rule.
Post by Stefan Küng
Restoring happens only
right before TortoiseProc exits - and in that case restoring is required
because the restore data isn't stored over sessions.
How about at least a prompt upon cancel so the user has a chance to avert disaster?



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