Gergely Toth
2014-03-03 08:53:34 UTC
Dear all
We are using TortoiseSVN 1.8. Our windows is basically english but we are using hungaian language formation.
Unfortunately If I send a commit during the windows locale settings is Hungarian language keyboard the datw will contains áé.. characters. E.g March is Márc in the date.
If switch the locale to English, the Tortoise will send the commit with the english standards.
Our scripts should use english standards but if someone create commit with hungarian locales the scripts crashes.
Can I set the english locale for just Tortoise? Config file or other method?
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We are using TortoiseSVN 1.8. Our windows is basically english but we are using hungaian language formation.
Unfortunately If I send a commit during the windows locale settings is Hungarian language keyboard the datw will contains áé.. characters. E.g March is Márc in the date.
If switch the locale to English, the Tortoise will send the commit with the english standards.
Our scripts should use english standards but if someone create commit with hungarian locales the scripts crashes.
Can I set the english locale for just Tortoise? Config file or other method?
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