Patch - nightly CLogDlg::FillLogMessageCtrl incorrectly styling bug ID links for multiple revisions
Adam D. Walling
2014-09-29 14:03:09 UTC
In nightly, CLogDlg::FillLogMessageCtrl incorrectly styles bug ID links when multiple revisions are selected; the CRLF is treated as one character, and so any \r are removed. However this step was skipped when multiple revisions are selected, automatically generating the message.

The attached patch unconditionally performs the \r removal after the m_bSingleRevision checks.


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Stefan Küng
2014-09-29 17:11:55 UTC
Post by Adam D. Walling
In nightly, CLogDlg::FillLogMessageCtrl incorrectly styles bug ID links when multiple revisions are selected; the CRLF is treated as one character, and so any \r are removed. However this step was skipped when multiple revisions are selected, automatically generating the message.
The attached patch unconditionally performs the \r removal after the m_bSingleRevision checks.
Committed in r25897.

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