Enhancement suggestion.
Serge Tumanyan
2014-08-12 19:03:58 UTC
Hello, Stefan.

I want to suggest one more enhancement that can help administrating
I am actively using templates for adding comments to revisions. This makes
them more standartized and easier to maintain. One thing that I am still
unable to do with templates is adding symbols that prevent commiting. For
example something like fixed #[number] in this revision, where symbols '
'[' and ']' prevent commiting, because a user should replace string
'[number]' with the exact ticket number. I have tried to use precommit hook
and it wokrs excellent on commits, but the problem appears when trying to
use it on branching. The reason for the problem is that branch is not yet
ready and due to this external is not yet valid and this causes TSVN to say
that the hook file is not found and abort branching. So, I suggest to add
one more property(s) like tsvn:templateblockcommit, tsvn:templateblockbranch
or any other name of your choice, which will contain symbols that block
commits. The symbols may be just a string or comma separated, but it will
be a good idea to have an ability to include also a unicode symbols with '\'
prefix, like '\8068' or any other format of your choice.

Thank you.



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